Drum Lessons by St Louis Drum Lab
Studio Policy
INDIVIDUAL LESSONS: The scheduled lesson time is considered a standing appointment. Please give advanced notice, when possible, if student is unable to attend a lesson. There is no refund or rescheduling for missed lessons due to student absence.
Rescheduling a lesson is only done in the event of teacher absence. In the event lesson is canceled due to inclement weather or other unforeseen event (for example, emergency building repair), lessons will not be rescheduled or refunded. If student cancels or fails to attend a scheduled make-up lesson, the missed lesson will not be rescheduled nor will tuition be credited. [Exceptions made are outlined in Health and Safety below]
STUDENT OBLIGATION: It is the responsibility of the student and/or parents to have all material necessary for lessons. This may include lesson/theory/technique books and a notebook or device for composition, general note-taking, and practice goals/assignments. If student’s materials are not present at lesson, lesson may be abbreviated or forfeited at the discretion of the instructor. This time will not be made up nor credited.
30 to 45 minutes of daily practice is standard; these suggested times are based upon the length of the actual lesson and may vary depending on individual student’s practice and performance goals.
GROUP CLASSES (camps, workshops, masterclasses): There is no refund or rescheduling for missed group classes due to student absence. Rescheduling a class is only done in the event of teacher absence. In the event in-person class is canceled due to inclement weather, class may be rescheduled or refunded at the Studio’s discretion. If student cancels or fails to attend a scheduled make-up class, the missed class will not be rescheduled nor will tuition be credited.
It is the responsibility of the student and/or parents to have all materials necessary for group class. This may include text/workbooks, music, and notebook or device for composition, general note-taking, and practice goals/assignments. If student’s materials are not present, student’s participation may be limited or forfeited at the discretion of the instructor. This time will not be made up nor credited. There is no refund for student withdrawal, missing class, or dismissal from class.
HEALTH AND SAFETY: Please be sure to wash hands (or use hand sanitizer) before each practice and lesson. Wearing appropriate face coverings when required for in-person visits per current public health guidelines or directives.
Students exposed to or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend in-person lessons or events. Please contact your individual instructor or Studio Director for alternate scheduling.
In the event of milder sickness, students must be fever- or vomit- free for 48 hours, and without medication for symptom relief, before attending a scheduled lesson.
Student may be dismissed from a lesson at the teacher’s discretion should student exhibit symptoms of sickness or distress. There is no refund or rescheduling in the event of dismissal from lesson.
Please notify your instructor when a student must miss two or more consecutively scheduled lessons. In such cases as sickness, injury, and bereavement, arrangements to make up missed time will be made or tuition will be credited upon students return to regularly scheduled lessons.
In case of medical emergency, student/guardian is responsible for any related expenses.
FEES: For individual lessons, there is a non-refundable $50 registration fee per household, assessed once per year, usually upon enrollment/each August.
The fee for individual lessons is divided into equal monthly payments and includes individual lessons plus group classes. Typically, up to 46 sessions of musical instruction are scheduled per year. After these adjustments the monthly payment comes to $181.66
For each week payment is late, a $35 charge will be added. For your convenience, you may grant the Studio permission to automatically withdraw Lesson fee each month.
PAYMENT: A recurring invoice for the following month’s fees will be sent on the 25th with due date set for the 30th. Online pay is preferred.
HOLIDAYS/BREAKS: Holidays/breaks are scheduled. You are not billed for these times. Therefore, lessons are not rescheduled nor is tuition refunded or credited during months containing holidays/breaks. There is no refund or rescheduling should Studio breaks differ from your school breaks. Exceptions may be made for observations which fall outside of scheduled Studio breaks.
SUMMER SESSION: Alternate summer scheduling is arranged at the Studio/instructor’s discretion.
Current students who choose not to take lessons during summer and plan to resume the following session may reserve a time slot by placing a nonrefundable deposit. Student will receive invoice on/about May 25th, in the amount of first month’s Fall lesson fee (registration fee will be included). There is no refund should student not return for lessons.
PERFORMANCES: Students may be given opportunities to display their accomplishments in performances throughout the year. Entry fees may apply for certain performances. These non-refundable fees are determined by the individuals and organizations sponsoring the events, and payment to participate is the responsibility of the student or parents/guardians.
PHOTOS/VIDEOS: Photos taken and videos recorded by Studio/Instructor may be posted to Studio website and social media or used for instructor’s continuing professional development courses/projects, unless otherwise instructed by parent/guardian.
TERMINATION: Notification to end lessons may be emailed to or received from tony.barbata@gmail.com prior to receipt of the upcoming invoice (typically sent on the 25th of a given month). There is no refund for student withdrawal.